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Celebrating a Legacy

“The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.”

– Benjamin Disraeli

Dear Mark,

This is an open letter from all of us that you have touched over the years.  While you may be retiring, you will forever be the co-founder of Bulfinch Boston Realty, and your legacy will never be forgotten.

Thirty-three years ago, alongside Alicia Ingalls, you decided to rent a tiny, front facing one-bedroom apartment on Newbury Street and turn it into a real estate office.  Thirty-three years later and that tiny, front-facing one-bedroom apartment on Newbury Street is still the home of one of the most well-respected real estate offices in Boston.  Mark, you created more than a business.  You created Bulfinch, and all that name implies.  Through sheer tenacity and moral fiber, you and Lissy stayed true to your values.  Because of this, Bulfinch Boston Realty is synonymous with honesty, integrity, and veracity.

Everything that you and Lissy are is everything Bulfinch is today.  More than just owners, managers, bosses, you both instilled your own principles into everyone that worked with you.  Despite this, you remain one of the most humble people we know.  


Mark, thank you for motivating us to keep going every time we wanted to give up.  Thank you for treating every client with the same amount of respect, no matter their background, age, or budget.  Thank you from all of us who learned from you, who got our starts at Bulfinch, who have since started our own companies but still refer back to the advice you gave us 10, 15, 20 years ago.

Thank you for all the opportunities you’ve provided us by keeping Bulfinch’s doors open, despite the changing business and economical landscapes that Bulfinch faced over three decades.  Thank you for the laughs, the wisdom, the kindness, the time, the advice, the jobs, the chances, the life lessons. 

We truly would not be who we are today without you



Thank You Mark Pardes



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